
ISO 9001 is one of the most widely recognized in the world. ISO 9001 is a quality management standard that presents guidelines intended to increase business efficiency and customer satisfaction. The goal of ISO 9001 is to embed a quality management system within an organization, increasing productivity, reducing unnecessary costs, and ensuring quality of processes and products.

ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) is the common occurrence of a momentary electrical shock given off by a person or virtually any charged object.
ANSI/ESD S20.20 is the multi-industry standard for the development of ESD control programs that protect today’s increasingly sensitive electronic components, assemblies, and equipment from costly ESD damage and reduce down-time.
An ESD control program helps eliminate costly component failures while increasing customer satisfaction. NQA’s ESDA-accredited Facility Certification program offers organizations a way to ensure that their programs meet the requirements and provides evidence of compliance for customer and marketing purposes.

DEA-QMS-9090: Quality Management System Standard for Independent Distributors of Electronics Association Members was developed to establish specific requirements and practices Independent Distributors of electronic components can use to help ensure that they satisfy their customers’ requirements. These requirements and practices serve to address many of the unique aspects of the Independent Distribution of Electronics Industry which are not addressed in other QMS standards.
The proliferation of substandard electronic components and the threat they pose to safety, national security, product performance, and successful commerce have long been a source of grave concern to IDEA and its Members and have prompted their action to identify solutions to combat this serious problem. IDEA firmly believes that part of the answer to securing the supply chain resides within an expanded and concerted effort in the cooperation and education of all stakeholders responsible for purchasing and inspection practices through the implementation of relevant standards, training, and certification programs. IDEA has developed IDEA-QMS-9090: Quality Management System Standard for Independent Distributors of Electronics Association Members as a tool to significantly contribute to this purpose.

IDEA is a global trade association comprised of organizations dedicated to quality initiatives that provide Responsible Procurement Solutions™ to the supply chain. IDEA employs a comprehensive approach that focuses on programs and best practices that establish and increase quality standards, provide industry with a conduit to improve the access to and sharing of relevant knowledge, and advance industry ethics and integrity.
The foundation of these solutions resides within the sustained leadership in the implementation of quality standards, certifications, best practices, and counterfeit detection methods as well as the cooperation and education of all stakeholders responsible for procurement and inspection practices and policies. IDEA seeks to fulfill this mission through the development and dissemination of relevant standards, training, and certification programs.

ERAI was founded in 1995 as the Electronic Resellers Association (ERA). When the company expanded globally, it was renamed the Electronic Resellers Association International (ERAI). In 2007 when the company expanded into different sectors of the supply chain to include OEMs, CMs, OCMs, government agencies and testing laboratories amongst its members, we shortened our name to the acronym ERAI since by that time our logo and acronym were widely known. ERAI is a privately held global information services organization that monitors, investigates and reports issues that are affecting the global supply chain of electronics. www.erai.com
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